
COVID-19 - If you or your family members have displayed symptoms please do NOT visit Kickair. Please self isolate. Thank you.


We do not provide or accept responsibility for the supervision of children

Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times

Each of the arena entrance and exit points

Do not attempt to use any of the activity equipment unless you have registered to participate, signed a waiver & undertaken the safety briefing


Images are being monitored and recorded for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety

Flashing Lights

Warning, Please be aware that we use flashing lights during the activities. This may be dangerous to persons with photosensitive epilepsy or other light sensitive medical conditions

Sign to fire exit stairwells

Fire exit only

Staff only areas

No access – staff only

Car park disclaimers

Users of this car park do so at their own risk. Vehicles and their contents are left here entirely at owner or driver risk. Management do not accept responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss of damage to vehicles or their contents

Caution Risk Of Slipping

This car park can become slippery during cold weather such as frost, ice or snow. Please take care when walking.

Park Rules

The activities provided can be great fun but they can also be dangerous. There is a risk of serious injury if care is not taken when using the activity equipment. Use of the activity equipment is physically demanding and involves jumping, physical strength and other strenuous actions involving height, speed, and unpredictable surfaces. Use of the activity equipment is a high-impact, full body activity which requires intense focus, awareness of your body’s strengths and limitations, awareness of the environment around you and extreme caution at all times

The activities provided are not segregated for use solely by children. The activities are used by multiple age groups including adults at the same time as children and are not restricted to any one age group. If you allow children in your care to participate unaccompanied on the activities please ensure you assess the suitability of the activities for younger children. Please also be aware that certain activities are age and or ability restricted and you should ensure children in your care are advised accordingly

The activities include trampoline courts made up of interconnected trampolines that are not enclosed and are without segregation or barriers to allow for the free movement around the court between trampolines

  • Only participate if you are in good physical condition
  • Do not participate if you have any pre-existing medical conditions including breathing, heart, back, neck, bone or muscle conditions
  • Do not participate if you are or may be pregnant
  • Do not attempt to use any of the activity equipment unless you have registered to participate, undertaken the safety briefing & signed a waiver (if you are under 18 a waiver must be signed by a parent or guardian)
  • Before participating loosen up with warm up exercises and stretches
  • If you get tired please leave the activity equipment and take a break
  • Always remain in control – Be aware of how to bend your knees to control or stop your bounce
  • Practice first before moving around the arena
  • Always plan your landings before jumping
  • Always jump & land in the centre of the trampolines
  • Never jump on or near the coloured pads
  • Do not exit the trampolines by ‘bouncing’ off onto the surrounding walkways
  • Make sure you have control before leaving the trampolines
  • Always jump so you land on both feet at the same time. Never land with just one foot
  • Know your limits – Do not attempt any move beyond your own skill level
  • Never attempt flips or other extreme moves unless you know you are capable and have had the appropriate training
  • No double flips or triple flips even if you are capable
  • Do not jump or flip over other participants
  • No double bouncing! (There should never be two people on one trampoline at the same time)
  • Strictly only one person per trampoline at any one time
  • Do not jump or step onto a trampoline unless the trampoline is clear
  • Look out for other participants and give way to smaller ones
  • Never run across the trampolines
  • No diving, No backflips, No gainers (forward moving backflips)
  • No wrestling, tackling, pushing or shoving
  • No climbing the trampolines or the padding
  • No wrestling, tackling, pushing or shoving
  • No climbing the trampolines or the padding
  • No leaning, grabbing or climbing on netting
  • No sitting or lying on the trampolines padding or activity equipme
  • Remove all items from your pockets prior to participating
  • All jewelry, watches, keys, keychains, coins, or the alike to be removed prior to participating
  • Clothing should not have any hard or sharp points (such as buckles, studs, toggles)
  • No phones or cameras on the activity equipment
  • No food, drink, sweets or chewing gum whilst participating
  • Do not leave clothing on the activity equipment, use the lockers provided
  • Anti-slip grip socks must be worn at all times
  • We recommend that participants wear long sleeves and trousers
  • Long hair should be tied back/li>
  • No jumping under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Always follow the marshals instructions. Dangerous behaviour will not be toleratedand you could be asked to leave
  • Maximum weight restriction is 18 stone / 114kg
  • We do not provide or accept responsibility for the supervision of children, Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times
  • Under6’s not permitted unless accompanied on the activities by a parent or guardian or it is a closed / segregated todler session
  • Additional Rules apply to additional activities – please ensure you familiarise yourself with the activity rules prior to use

Airbag Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Only jump when inflated
  • Only jump onto the airbag from the jump platforms and trampolines. Do not jump onto the airbag from the walkways
  • Only one participant at a time per lane
  • Do not jump until the airbag is clear
  • No backflips
  • Do not jump or dive head first into an airbag
  • Only land on your back or bottom
  • Do not tuck your knees up or curl up
  • Exit the airbag as quickly as possible at the rear of your lane.
  • Do not cross lanes when exiting

Dodgeball Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • No kicking the balls
  • Do not stand or jump onto the balls
  • No headshots
  • Stay on your side of the court – do not cross the centre line
  • Keep it friendly and polite
  • Do not remove or throw the balls out of the dodgeball court
  • Notify a marshal if a ball goes out of the dodgeball court

Split into 2 even groups each side of the center-line during the opening rush (when the game starts), you may only grab the balls from the center-line

You are out if:

  • You step on or over a side-line or centre-line
  • A thrown ball hits your body
  • You throw a live ball and it is caught by an opponent
  • You hit an opponent in the head with a ball

A thrown live ball can only hit out 1 player. Thrown balls that hit the ground, the wall, other balls or other objects before hitting the opponent are considered dead balls. You may block a thrown ball with a held ball. However, if you drop the blocking ball during the act of blocking, or if you fail to make a clean block so the thrown ball still deflects off you, you are out.

If you are out, exit the bouncing area and line up on the side to form a resurrection line. If a playing teammate catches a ball the player at the start of your team’s resurrection line comes back into play after touching the wall (you must be in the line at the time of the catch to be eligible to be brought back in). You can only hold a ball for 10 seconds, afterward, it will be considered dead. Dead balls need to be rolled over immediately to the other team.

If the game ends up with 1 player per side, each player has 10 seconds to hit the other out; if not, A showdown comes into effect. The game is paused, each player gets two balls, two balls are lined up at the ends of the center-line and the center-line is dissolved. The first player to get the other player out wins
Have fun, shake hands, make friends and be a good winner and a good loser!

Basketball / Slam Dunk Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Only one participant at a time per lane
  • Do not jump until the trampoline is clear
  • Balls should only be thrown towards the hoop
  • No grabbing or hanging off the hoop, backboard or support bars
  • No jumping or dunking from behind the backboard
  • No kicking the balls
  • Stay on your track. Do not cross lanes
  • No assisted attempts
  • Exit the jump area as quickly as possible by the nearest exit point
  • Do not remove or throw the balls out of the basketball activity area

Walk The Wall Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Jumpers must be over 1.25m tall to use this activity
  • Anyone waiting or spectating should stand well clear of the trampolines
  • Take extra care trampolines in this area have a greater rebound effect & provide superior height & a greater degree of difficulty & risk
  • This area is for advanced jumpers only. Only those with the required skill level should participa
  • Do not attempt to Walk The Wall until you have the skills to the required level
  • You must use the lowest wall(s) first until you have the necessary skill level to use the higher wall(s)
  • Do not attempt any move beyond your own skill level
  • Do not bounce between adjacent trampolines
  • Vertical bouncing is not permitted, other than a modest number (up to 5) bounces which are necessary to initiate horizontal bouncing
  • No flips off the top of the walls
  • You must only land on your back when walking the wall
  • Strictly only one person per trampoline at any one time
  • Do not jump until landing zone is clear
  • No climbing or scrambling up the wall
  • No sitting or lying on the wall

Battle Beam Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Do not jump into the foam pit from the walkways
  • Only two people at a time on the beam
  • Start in the centre of the beam
  • Do not go until foam pit is clear
  • No head shots
  • Keep it friendly & polite
  • Do not throw the pugil sticks
  • Do not jump or dive head first into the foam pit
  • Only land on your back or bottom
  • Do not land on your knees in the pit
  • Do not tuck your knees up or curl up
  • Exit the foam pit as quickly as possible by the nearest exit point
  • Do not bury you or others in the pit
  • Do not remove or throw the foam blocks

Slack line Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Do not jump into the foam pit from the walkways
  • Only one person at a time on the slack line
  • Do not go until foam pit is clear
  • Do not jump or dive head first into the foam pit
  • Only land on your back or bottom
  • Do not land on your knees in the pit
  • Do not tuck your knees upor curl up
  • Exit the foam pit as quickly as possible by the nearest exit point
  • Do not bury you or others in the pit
  • Do not remove or throw the foam blocks

Wriggle Ladder

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Do not jump into the foam pit from the walkways
  • Only one person at a time on the ladder
  • Crawl across the ladder using your hands, knees and feet
  • Do not jump onto the ladder
  • Do not go until foam pit is clear
  • Do not jump or dive head first into the foam pit
  • Only land on your back or bottom
  • Do not land on your knees in the pit
  • Do not ‘tuck your knees up’ or ‘curl up’
  • Exit the foam pit as quickly as possible by the nearest exit point
  • Do not bury yourself or others in the pit
  • Do not remove or throw the foam blocks

Wipeout Beam Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • You must be over 4 foot to use this activity
  • No more than 7 users at any one time
  • Be aware this activity can be tough on your ankles, legs & other body parts as it involves a rotating beam that will hit you if you do not avoid it
  • Do not participate if you have sensitive skin
  • We recommend that participants wear long sleeves and trousers
  • When the beam approaches jump (or duck) to avoid being hit
  • No holding, grabbing or climbing onto the beams
  • No sitting, climbing or walking on the walls
  • Enter & exit by the doorway only
  • One person per podium at a time
  • If you wish to exit please put your hand in the air to notify the marshal
  • Once you have been knocked off you may get up again until the end of the round

Bouldering Wall Rules

Bouldering is climbing without ropes. If you fall you will hit the floor
The soft mat does not make bouldering safe. It is designed for accidental falls.
Broken and sprained limbs are common in use of this type of climbing wall despite the soft landing.
Uncontrolled falls are likely to result in injuries to yourself or others

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Climbers must be over (XXX Insert height or age limit as per manufacturers’ guidelines )
  • Maximum weight restriction is (XXX -Insert weight limit as per manufacturers’ guidelines) Kg
  • No more than (XXX -Insert maximum capacity) active users at any one time
  • Climb only within your capabilities. Do not attempt any move beyond your own skill level
  • Do not climb too high until you are confident enough to do so
  • [No feet or climbing above the marked line] IF REQUIRED
  • Descend either by down-climbing or a controlled jump
  • Always land with both feet at the same time- Never land with just one foot
  • Always remain in control – Be aware of how to bend your knees to control your landing
  • Maintain 3 points of contact with the wall at all times
  • Respect the space of other climbers. Only climb when there is a safe distance between you and the next climber
  • Look out for other participants and give way to smaller ones
  • Climbers doing vertical problems have priority
  • Do not climb directly above or below another climber
  • Do not attempt to catch anyone who may fall
  • Do not sit or stand under the wall at any time
  • Only those participating are allowed in the bouldering area
  • Anyone waiting or assisting participants should do so off the crash matted area
  • Grip socks must be worn at all times whilst using the equipment
  • We recommend that climbers wear long sleeves and trousers
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • Report loose holds or damaged equipment to a member of staff immediately
  • Only authorised staff are permitted to set routes
  • If you are unwell you should not use the equipment
  • Do not use the equipment if wearing any form of plaster cast

Auto Belay Assisted Climbing Wall Rules (Clip n Climb)

  • Only climb if you are in good physical condition
  • Do not climb if you have any pre-existing medical conditions including breathing, heart, back, neck, bone or muscle conditions
  • Do not climb if you have a fear of heights, acrophobia or Vertigo
  • Do not climb if you are or may be pregnant
  • Climbers must be over (XXX Insert height or age limit as per manufacturers’ guidelines )
  • Maximum weight restriction is (XXX -Insert weight limit as per manufacturers’ guidelines) Kg
  • The wall must only be used when a supervisor is present
  • Do not climb the wall until instructed to do so
  • Climbers must only be ‘clipped’ on and off by the supervisor
  • Once you have been ‘clipped’ on by the supervisor do not touch or release the ‘clip’
  • Do not climb too high unless you are confident enough to do so
  • Do not grab or touch anything other than the climbing wall
  • Do not swing on the ropes
  • Respect the space of other climbers
  • Only climb with a safe distance between you and the next climber
  • Do not interfere with any other climbers
  • When descending always land with both feet at the same time with your feet spread apart
  • Bend your knees to control your landing
  • We recommend that climbers wear long sleeves and trousers
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • No loose items on your person or clothing
  • Remove all items from your pockets
  • No phones or cameras
  • No food, drink, sweets or chewing gum
  • Only those participating are permitted in the climbing area
  • Do not stand under climbers
  • Keep clear of the coloured ∆ mats when waiting your turn
  • Anyone waiting or spectating should stand well clear of the activity

Ninja Obstacle Course Rules

  • Standard Park Rules apply
  • Participants must be over ( XXX Insert height or age limit as per manufacturers guidelines)
  • Maximum weight restriction is (XXX -Insert weight limit as per manufacturers’ guidelines) Kg
  • Take extra care – activities in this area provides superior height & a greater degree of difficulty & risk
  • You should only use the equipment if you are capable and have the required skill set
  • Know your limits. Do not attempt to participate unless you have the skills to the required level
  • If you cannot comfortably reach any of the equipment unassisted it is not suitable for your use. Do not attempt the activity
  • Be aware this activity can be tough on your hands as it involves climbing and rope based activities
  • Stand back from the equipment whilst waiting your turn
  • Start the activity where indicated navigating the obstacles across the mats to the other side
  • Do not enter part way through the obstacles
  • Only one person at a time per lane
  • Only one person at a time per obstacle
  • Do not go until the path is clear
  • When the participant in front of you has completed you can move onto the obstacle
  • Keep your distance away from other participants. Be aware they may attempt a manoeuvre
  • No running and jumping onto the equipment
  • Descend either by down-climbing or a controlled jump
  • Always remain in control. Be aware of how to bend your knees to control your landing
  • Always jump so you land on both feet at the same time. Never land with just one foot
  • Do not hang upside down on the equipment
  • Do not climb on top of the monkey bars or the activity equipment
  • No leaning, grabbing or climbing on the trusses/framework or padding
  • Do not swing the activity equipment into the path of or into other people
  • No swinging from the framework
  • No sitting or lying on the equipment or the padding
  • We recommend that participants wear long sleeves and trousers to avoid friction burns
  • Long hair should be tied back

Football Area Rules

  • Caution – Please take care when kicking the balls. Use the side of your foot. Not your toes
  • Caution – Please Stand Back From the Participating Area